This might anger some English teachers but…

Wendy Jacobson
1 min readApr 27, 2022


…when it comes to creating content, you can toss some grammar rules out the window.

For example:

  • Contractions and conjunctions are cool. And don’t think they’re not.
  • Prepositions provide power and are OK to end a sentence with.
  • Fragments are fine. Agree?

Our English classes have taught us these examples are wrong.

But with your content, you want to write like your audience thinks.

Very few of us are aware of grammar rules when we speak — ever end a sentence with a preposition? Right! So, your content should read like your audience thinks.

Now, before the grammar police come down hard on me, I will say there are exceptions. You always need to keep the reader in mind and write to them. For example, if your audience is academic, some grammar rules must stay in place. Also lawyers.

And one place I always draw the line is using ‘me’ when you should use ‘I.’ Example: me and Suzy went swimming. Please don’t.

So go ahead; forget what you learned in high school English when creating your content.

Be a rebel and start a sentence with a conjunction. Or, insert a fragment sentence here and there.

Your writing will be more readable and relatable.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Wendy Jacobson
Wendy Jacobson

Written by Wendy Jacobson

I love to write and I love my family. I also love to jump rope to music from the 80s.

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